Bedroom Wallpaper

Our selection of designer wallpapers for adult and children's bedrooms.

Dedicated solely to its occupants, the bedroom is generally not a room that guests or other people outside the household are brought to visit. Its decoration is therefore purely a matter of taste and sensitivity: No excuse not to give free rein to your desires and your imagination !

However, the occupancy of the bedroom varies a lot depending on the people: Some only use it for sleeping, while others make it a real living room for reading, working, or other things. The time you spend in a room can indeed influence your choice: You can tire of a pattern more quickly if you spend more time next to it.

Our non-woven wallpapers printed without solvent give original ideas for installation in bedrooms. In our collections, whether it is geometric and colorful patterns or trendy handmade gouache plant motifs, we imagine headboards in a master suite as well as entire walls (wall covering) for a child's bedroom.

All you have to do is create the atmosphere that suits you by combining patterns and colors. Our ranges are available in a wide range of colors: RAL, pastels, bright, Pantone or tangy…