Maurice Denis

Maurice Denis Collection

1 wallpaper

“Remember that a painting, before being a war horse, a naked woman or any anecdote, is essentially a flat surface covered with colors in a certain assembled order. »

Maurice Denis , in the journal Art et Critique, 1890

Maurice Denis, “the Nabi of beautiful icons” is one of the founders of the Nabis group. Trained at the Beaux-Arts in Paris and at the Académie Julian, he met there Bonnard, Vuillard and Sérusier. Considered the theorist of the group, undoubtedly the most imbued with spirituality, he painted intimate, symbolist but also religious scenes on an easel, landscapes of Brittany which he loved so much and of Italy.

Mixing sacred and secular themes in his various works, he created numerous decorative projects : panels, stained glass windows, illustrations... perfectly showing his desire to highlight Beauty.

Maurice Denis (1870–1943) Portrait of the artist at the age of 18 © Musée d'Orsay