CGU / Legal notices

The Website (hereinafter “the Site” ) is the property of SASU ARTPRINT, represented by Sébastien Barcet, registered in the Lyon trade and companies register under number 789 296 944 and whose head office is located at 5 place Louis Chazette 69001 Lyon.


In accordance with law n°2004-575 of June 21, 2004 for Confidence in the Digital Economy, Users of the Site are informed of the identity of the various parties involved in its creation and monitoring:

1.1 Contact details of the site editor

Le-Presse-Papier (wallpaper) – ARTPRINT
SASU with capital of €5,000 euros
Represented by Mr. Sébastien Barcet
Registered with the RCS of Lyon under number 789 296 944
Siret: 789 296 944 00018
VAT: FR 79 789296944
Telephone: + 33 (0)6 08 52 52 86

1.2. Publication Director

Site Manager : Mr. Sébastien Barcet.

1.3. Host

2 rue Kellermann
59100 Roubaix
SAS with capital of 5,000,000 euros
RCS Roubaix – Tourcoing 424 761 419 00045
APE code 6202A – VAT number: FR 22 424 761 419

1.4. Website Designer

Site designer : Agence Neutron – C. Romier


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The site, accessible via the following URL: (hereinafter “the Site”), is governed by these General Terms and Conditions. By using the Site, you acknowledge having read these conditions and having accepted them.

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The T&Cs may be subject to subsequent modifications, the version applicable to the User is that in force on the Website on the date the order is placed.

ARTPRINT will endeavor, as far as possible, to keep the Site accessible 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, but cannot be held to an obligation to achieve this.

ARTPRINT reserves the right, for whatever reason and at its sole discretion, to terminate, modify, suspend or interrupt access to all or part of the Site as well as its contents, its characteristics or to modify availability hours, without notice.

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2.9 Access to courts

Any dispute arising from the validity, interpretation, execution, termination of these General Conditions of Use and more generally from relations of all kinds between ARTPRINT and the User, will be submitted to the competent French courts under the conditions of law common, unless mandatory legal or public order provisions to the contrary apply.

Contact us is at your disposal for all your comments or suggestions. You can write to us in French by email to:



A collection of wallpapers reflecting our infinite passion for art. Discover

Tradition 126 wallpapers - 2 cushions - 12 fabrics - 11 art prints

The tradition of Lyon floral textile design. Discover

Botaniste 37 wallpapers - 3 Fabrics

The Modernist wallpaper collection is a free journey into the philosophical movement of the same name. “Color is the most relative medium in art” J. Albers Discover

Moderniste 13 wallpapers - 1 cushion - 1 art print

Gouache and watercolor creations with stylized designs Discover

Palm 18 wallpapers - 4 cushions - 3 fabrics

The Nabis's soul seems to breathe through the patterns of this collection with its great expressive force. A collection of character, certainly, which favors the bold. Discover

Bolero 6 wallpapers

Stripes, a timeless pattern. Motif of the devil, emblem of sailors, but also symbol of freedom and humor, there are stripes and stripes as highlighted by Michel Pastoureau in his book: Rayures. Une histoire culturelle published by Editions du Seuil. Discover

Berlingot 44 wallpapers

A collection linked to travel and impregnated of history of botany. Discover

Tropiques 11 wallpapers - 2 cushions - 4 fabrics - 2 art prints

A call for a change of scenery and dreams of exoticism Discover

Calypso 6 wallpapers - 1 cushion

A game for the eye a trick for the mind Discover

Café 4 wallpapers

A collection, a journey through 20th century design. Discover

Mo-Jazz 28 wallpapers - 8 cushions

A sensory immersion in organic and plant motifs. Enter an underwater world filled with colors and details, in which the graphic shapes of plants seem to undulate along the water. Discover

Aquatique 7 wallpapers - 1 cushion

Le Presse Papier invites French street artist Nelio Discover

Nelio 4 wallpapers - 1 Panoramic

“The world of today was born yesterday, in the fifties and sixties”, Dominic Bradbury, The 50s style, the complete, Parentheses editions. Discover

Paris 10 wallpapers

Vintage reinterpreted. Discover

Rétro 6 wallpapers
Terra Nova

The models in this collection are naturally poetic and invite you to travel. Discover

Terra Nova 9 wallpapers
Capsule / Jieldé

Le Presse Papier & Jieldé present a capsule collection of wallpaper inspired by the world of architectural firms. Discover

Capsule / Jieldé 3 wallpapers