Panoramic Textiles & Wallpaper

Immersion in a fantasy

The first panoramic wallpaper was designed in France in 1804 by Jean-Gabriel Charvet for Joseph Dufour et Cie.

The creation of panoramic wallpapers began in the 19th century, responding to a bourgeois taste for trompe-l'oeil decor. Imposing and extremely demanding from a technical point of view, these papers combine drawing quality and cutting-edge technical achievement.

A slightly less expensive alternative to the wall hangings and tapestries that have decorated the most beautiful homes for centuries, panoramic paper allows you to recreate a universe and immerse yourself in another reality.

We can cite here some emblematic and historical panoramic manufacturers: Zuber, Arthur & Robert, Desfossé et Karth, Jacquemart & Bénard, Dufour, Leroy, Réveillon…

Many patterns were created throughout the 19th century between Lyon, Paris and Rixheim and will experience great craze in Europe and around the world: exotic views, fine and documented representations of nature, mythological scenes, hunting scenes.

It is because we have the desire to transport you into imaginary places, during a fantasy journey that we today create panoramic wallpapers, with a rendering aiming for excellence.