Pierre-Joseph Redouté

Pierre-Joseph Redouté Collection

10 Wallpapers (in progress) - 12 art prints

Long awaited, ardently desired, this collection is an obvious tribute to the exceptional work of Pierre - Joseph Redouté (1759-1840). From a plethora of botanical drawings, we have chosen those that mesh best in the compositions imagined by our attentive care. The most famous flower painter of his time, known as the "Raphael of flowers" and a protégé of sovereigns from Marie-Antoinette onwards, Redouté was an unrivalled exponent of Siècle des Lumières desire to understand the world. Renowned for his fine brushwork and scientific rigor in depicting exotic species brought back by exploratory naturalists, as well as those found in the King's Garden, he helped establish flower painting as a leading genre. At a time of growing interest in botany, the creation of herbariums and the gallant use of flowers on clothing and in interior decoration, his unique style, somewhere between scientific survey and ornamental painting, inspired both Sèvres porcelain and the Lyonnaise silk industry.

Louis Léopold Boilly, Portrait of Pierre-Joseph Redouté (1759-1840). flower painter. Palais des Beaux-Arts in Lille.
copyright RMN-Grand Palais / Hervé Lewandowski